Find A Good Active Directory Password Reset Option

By Lessie Kaufman

The second most problematic aspect that those at the help desk have to contend with, has to do with controlling your passwords. Active Directory Password Reset is there ensuring that changing passwords through a centralized manager will be fast and easy. Having to change these every so often can be very disrupting to individuals as they are concentrating on a certain task and then all of a sudden have to change thoughts.

When typing in a password there are certain requirements that are needed. The longer and more difficult it is the better as the security settings of each computer will determine if they are accepted or not. Each of them must preferably not have the full name of the account or person in it. To add security it should not be less than three characters, many prefer to have at least 12 and also include capitals and numbers.

Simply press the following buttons at the same time and then click change a password. The buttons are Ctrl, Alt and delete. One will be asked to type in the old one and then just under that in the next box the new one. It will ask one to retype this so that it can be confirmed and that the correct spelling etc is the same. Then simply press enter and it is done.

If one is on a domain directory changing these is not too difficult. Simply click on the start button and go to settings. The next step is then to click on the control panel and open administrative tools. Click on active directory users and then properties. Clicking on the group policy tab will bring up a box that one will need to then click on new. Type in the new name of the group and then close.

Next right click and select properties and click on group policy tab that will bring one back to what one has just formed. Click up and then edit. Expand the computer configuration and go to windows and security settings. At this point all of one's password requirements will need to be filled in and they will either be accept or decline. Once this is done press enable.

One will only need to reset, when the old one has been forgotten. This will need to be done from the web portal and certain questions and information will need to be filled in before one can continue. To change access, there is no need for identification. The old password will need to be added along with the new.

If one is still not sure on how to reset or change them do not worry. Although the personnel at the help desk might have to deal with this type of problem everyday they will still be helpful. Not everyone is a computer geek and some things just seem to be above ones understanding. The older generations that normally don't work with computers every day seem to have more problems understanding certain aspects when it comes to technology.

There is a software that will notify one when the password is about to expire so there will be no disruptions when it does happen. It will email and even sms notifying as to the specific date and what their account status is. Using such a Password Reset, one will never be caught off guard ensuring that one does not have to keep phoning the help desk.

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